Composite Railway Sleepers
Looking for cost effective alternative timber sleepers?
KLP® Hybrid Plastic Sleepers are a sustainable solution!

Composite railway sleepers' advantages
The main drivers for Lankhorst developing KLP® polymer railway sleepers made out of specifically selected 100% recycled plastics were the ban on creosote and restricted availability of hardwood. The KLP® Hybrid Polymer Sleepers have high end properties and keep these properties during their expected service life of over 50 years. They are virtually maintenance free and an excellent alternative for wooden or concrete track sleepers, turnout bearers and bridge transoms.
Main benefits of KLP® Hybrid Polymer Sleepers include:
Outstanding performance of KLP® Hybrid Polymer Sleepers:
- High bending stiffness
- Low thermal expansion
- Resistant to most chemicals, solvents and UV
- Maintenance free•
- Sound & vibration reduction
- KLP® Hybrid Polymer Sleepers do not rot, splinter and are impervious to moisture, fungus and insects
Composite railway sleepers & sustainability:
- 100% recycled & 100% recyclable
- Upcycling from waste material to high end application
- Low carbon footprint
- No leaching into ground water
- Low Life Cycle Costs; long expected life time of over 50 years
Testing & Type Approval:
- KLP® Hybrid Polymer Sleepers have been used in track since 2006
- They are thoroughly tested by European laboratories
- The composite railway sleepers are approved for use in track by ProRail since 2011
- The composite sleepers are approved by Travikverket following an extensive in-track test in Sweden
- They are approved for use in German track by EBA (Eisenbahn Bundesamt)
- They have reached full type approval for use in KiwiRail track in New Zealand and Tasmania
- They are approved by London Underground for use in track
- They have reached full type approval by Praserana for use in Malaysian track
- Currently installed in many test tracks around the globe
Easy installation of KLP® Hybrid Polymer Sleepers:
- The same tools can be used for the installation of composite railway sleepers, as for wooden sleepers
- Suitable for any type of fastening system
- Lankhorst offers a pre-drilling and mounting service for faster installation on location
- KLP® sleepers do not use glass fibre therefore no glass fibre dust is produced during drilling, and so no respiratory protection measurements are required